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+15 Undeniable Reasons Your Developing Vision And Mission Strategy Isn’t Working

Key challenges in developing vision and mission: goals and objectives

Are you running a brick and mortar business or an ecommerce store online? Your business vision and mission drive strategy planning with SMART short- and long-term goals and explaining how those goals will be achieved with clarity, transparency, and accountability. Because company strategies evolve and are updated over time to adjust for current factors such as local economic conditions and company needs, vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategy fit together.

When businesses are first started, the owners and managers often have an idea of where they want to go long term but not on a detailed level. As time goes by, the company begins to take shape and develop new ideas that could change directions or even disappear altogether later on. As this happens most business leaders will think about developing vision, mission statements and strategic plans within their organization in order to keep things aligned; however many people stumble over this exercise because it can be quite difficult.

Creating, writing and developing vision and mission

Developing a vision and mission for a futuristic company is crucial. These two concepts are essential for any organization; without them, a company will fail to define itself clearly and efficiently. Also, defining these terms allows leaders to direct the actions of employees and strengthen the company’s performance.

Each body paragraph below will explain what these terms mean and how developing vision and mission for an organization is not a one-man’s affair.

Here’s a recap:

A vision is an idealistic image of the future that shows where the company wants to go. It functions as a guide for the company’s founders and can also act as a marketing tool to attract new customers and investors.

A vision statement helps with marketing efforts by defining how a company will advertise its products or services to attract new customers. It can also define how the company will grow in terms of employees and new businesses it will partner with. A vision statement provides a road map for growth that prospective investors can follow in order to analyze the growth potential of a business.

On the other hand, a mission defines the company’s role in society and helps it set goals, priorities and targets.

The mission statement also helps with marketing by defining the advertising and promotional materials that employees will use. It helps guide the daily business operations of employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. It answers the questions of why this business exists and what they should do to achieve success.

A mission statement should explain how the business will produce more revenue than its competitors and provides a framework for daily operations and marketing efforts.

The vision and mission statement should work in tandem to promote the best possible outcomes for the company and its employees.

Challenges of developing a vision

Since visions are often dreamlike, they can be difficult to put into words. Some people refer to this mental process as thinking big – or creating a big picture.

Some vision statements are too long-term to guide daily operations of businesses. If a business does not have enough time to implement their long-term plans, they may not be effective.

For example, a vision statement could describe plans to provide free water on all planets in the solar system in 500 years. Even if someone was willing to pay for water on other planets, it’s unlikely that person would already exist in 500 years.

Essentially, a vision looks at the long run and projects how technology will change our world in the next few decades. It also identifies problems that must be solved in order to reach that goal- and defines solutions that will bring about that change. Thus, having a vision shows how far you are willing to go to achieve your goals.

Problems in developing a mission

The opposite of a vision is a mission; it defines what your company’s role will be in society.

For example: Twitter designed its role as an online news source for users instead of creating a social media platform for teenagers. This way, Twitter stays relevant as new technologies appear on the market. Primarily, if users understand your company’s vision, it will help you keep your employees motivated and on track.

A mission statement can sound too vague and open-ended to be actionable.

For example, a mission statement could read ‘to provide free water on all planets in the solar system.’ There are many things that free water could mean- providing drinking water on other planets or providing water to astronauts on space stations or spacecrafts. But there is no way to know which meaning is intended because there is no way to ask every author of such documents what they mean when they use this word ‘water.’

Difficulties in developing a vision, mission, goals, and objectives

Developing a vision and mission statement are first steps in planning. How you communicate your business vision, mission, and strategies will affect how your employees think about their daily work; as well as how clients, partners, stakeholders view the business.

This is not intended to be a detailed guide of developing vision and mission. Instead, this gives you an overview about some basic steps in the progress of defining your own strategic plan with complete vision and mission.

Navigate here to this previous article that tells you all you need to know about developing goals and objectives for your company.

Purpose of developing vision and mission documents

Having a clear mission and vision is important for any business. Developing vision and mission documents help define the reason for existing and define the long-term growth potential and goals for a company. However, these two documents are different, and they serve different purposes.

The mission statement guides and helps with daily operations and marketing, attracting new investors, marketing products and services. Alternatively, the vision statement outlines the long-term growth plan and goals that attract new investment and provide inspiration for employees. Having a verified mission and vision is useful for attracting new investment, guiding daily business decisions, and marketing products and services.

Both documents are useful when used correctly but should complement one another as opposed to contradicting each other’s messages.

Developing vision and mission practices

The vision and mission of the organization is the foundation that determines where your organization is going and how it will get there. As a result, formulating the mission and vision requires a lot of planning, development, practice, sometimes re-planning, testing, etc. This ensures that everyone involved (stakeholders, employees, etc.) has a clear understanding of what is expected, and these individuals are in tune with the direction the business is going.

A strategic-management model must have clear vision and mission statements before formulating and implementing alternative strategies. What different approaches to developing vision and mission do you know?

+5 reasons people hate developing vision and mission for their companies

What are the challenges in formulating a vision and mission for an organization? There are key challenges business leaders face in developing vision and mission or goals and objectives for their enterprises.

1. Clarity

+5 reasons people hate developing vision and mission for their companies

The first challenge is to be clear about what you want to achieve.

What are your goals and objectives? What is your vision for the future? Without a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, it will be difficult to develop a plan to get there.

2. Action plan

The second challenge is creating a realistic plan. Once you have clarity about your goals, you need to create a detailed plan of how you will achieve them. This plan should include specific steps that you will take and timelines for each step.

Without a realistic plan, it will be difficult to stay on track and achieving your vision may seem like an impossible task.

3. Motivation

The third challenge is staying motivated throughout the process. Developing vision and mission can be challenging work and there may be times when it feels like too much effort with little return. It is important to remember why you started this journey in the first place and keep your eye on the prize even when things get tough

4. Communication

The fourth challenge in the implementation process is having a clearly communicated plan in place, implemented in a way that requires full attention, active participation, and accountability of not only company leaders, but also of all members across the organization. Managers who continuously develop and improve synergies among employees ensure buy-in, garnering support for the company’s objectives and mission.

There are instances where this can become particularly challenging. For example, if a manager was involved in the strategic formulation process, but not equally involved in the implementation process, he in turn may not feel accountable for decisions made.

developing vision and mission quote about learning never ends
Source: Free-images.com. All images are Public Domain

5. Skillful Planning

Although strategic plans help reduce uncertainty in meeting long-term objectives, the fifth challenge of planning process itself centers around the opportunities for missteps. An organization needs to anticipate the future, which involves various degrees of change as well as risks. In order to avoid pitfalls, managers need to have the right skill sets to plan the strategy and mitigate risk factors.

For example, managers should monitor as well as develop business contingency plans to address possible future changes in the external environment, such as market conditions, competitive forces, and economic factors that may negatively affect the business.

Are you part of our team? You did not miss this great article from ThExtraordinariOnly on developing vision and mission for successful entrepreneurs to achieve their business objectives and action plans.

6. Time Consuming

Managers spend a great deal of time preparing, researching and communicating the strategic management process, impeding day-to-day operations and negatively impacting the business. For example, managers may overlook daily issues needing resolution, and inadvertently cause a decrease in employee productivity and short-term sales.

When issues are not resolved in a timely manner, higher employee turnover ensues, forcing a company to redirect critical resources. In turn, strategic management initiatives are put on a sidetrack.


  • Confusing mission and vision
  • Lack of ownership
  • Resistance to adoption
  • Indecisiveness on direction
  • Procrastination
  • Forgetting why you do what you do
  • Not defining your action plan from the onset
  • Choosing the wrong platforms to communicate
  • Failing to build and maintain a community
  • Believing untruths about Age, Gender or Skills

Thus, the challenges of formulating and developing vision and mission for enterprises include several key areas dependent on the type of business.

9 steps to developing vision and mission strategies that fix the problem

9 steps to developing vision and mission strategies that fix the problem

  1. Understanding your audience
  2. Responding to social change and social Issues
  3. Communicating effectively
  4. Creating a culture of collaboration
  5. Reviewing or updating your (SM) Strategy
  6. Don’t confuse a mission statement and vision
  7. Shared purpose is essential
  8. Knowing your stakeholders ‘
  9. Having boundaries


Clearly defining your company’s vision and mission is essential for successful long-term management. Having these two concepts in mind help you set clear goals for your company and determine how you can best accomplish them. While developing vision and mission statements is important, ensuring your leadership upholds them is even more so.


What are the challenges in formulating a vision and mission for an organization?

A vision is a picture of how an organization will look in the future. The concept of a mission is similar – it is an assignment given to an organization to accomplish.

A vision is a powerful tool used to inspire people and guide them towards a common goal. It can be expressed in words, symbols or through art; whatever works to convey the message to the audience clearly. A mission tells the organization what’s worth fighting for and how to get there.

A vision can also be blurry since it doesn’t have to be crystal clear- the ideas behind it are more important than the message itself.

Being unable to clearly articulate your goals ensures that you won’t start or stay motivated enough to accomplish anything worthwhile. Therefore, developing a clear vision along with a practical mission is essential for anyone interested in succeeding in life or business development plans.

How great is developing vision and mission for organizations?

When you tell everyone involved what they are fighting for and how they can help achieve those goals you stay focused on your goals while inspiring everyone involved in your work towards the same end result. Maintaining this mindset is essential when designing any type of strategy for your business or nonprofit organization.

Your turn

Do you have better tips for developing vision and mission declaration that improve organizational performance?

What is the best style of developing vision and mission manifestos?

Some research

5 Reasons Your Employees Don’t Understand Your Company’s Vision – HBR

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