Affiliate Link Disclosure Under Section 5 Of The FTC Act Prohibiting Deceptive Advertising

FTC Affiliate Link Disclosure

ThExtraordinariOnly affiliate link disclosure under section of FTC prohibiting false adverts
Checking all affiliate link disclosures

At ThExtraordinariOnly we use a handful of simple, effective, convenient and super trusted tools and resources and as such, we share with you free, freemium, and premium affiliate links. These helps us to understand the resources that stir up your business, leap your life, and spark immediate action from your audience. 

As mandated by the FTC, our affiliate link disclosure covers ThExtraordinariOnly pages and blog posts on the site that contain affiliate links.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts – Wikipedia #aff #affiliatelink… Click To Tweet

Why an FTC Affiliate Link Disclosure is Important

Beyond the FTC requirement for disclosure on affiliate links, a lot of third party affiliate marketing platforms require it. Its beneficial too for people who participate in the affiliate program.

Keep in mind that there is a reason we link these companies and their products. Its because of their quality and not because of the commission we receive from your purchases.

The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

This means that:

  • If you purchase something that has an affiliate link, we will get a commission from it.
  • What happens when you purchase a tool, a resource, a good or a service through one of our links? We receive a small commission. It is usually at no additional cost to you.

Are All Items Affiliate Links?

Not all items recommended on our site are affiliate links.

  1. We only recommend items that we have used and tried.
  2. These items have brought our clients and us much success, and we highly recommend them to you in order to be successful in your life, writerpreneurship ventures, most current social media endeavorsstartup growth hacking and scaling a small business.
  3. The opinions on this page are our own and we don’t receive additional bonuses for positive reviews.

We may add our affiliate link disclosure:

  • At the top or bottom of blog posts. This gives you the reader a chance to bounce from the page. If you are a fan of affiliate links, it also protects everyone from accusations of deception.
  • At times, we place a reference to our privacy policy, disclosure and disclaimer near affiliate links, thus we don’t have to interrupt the flow of posts to do so.

Our Affiliate Disclosure Recommendation

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following. It applies to all links, posts, photos and other material on this website:

Any/all of the links on this website are affiliate links. ThExtraordinariOnly receives a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you.

This is the Affiliate link disclosure for any product, service, or program shared on any part of the website. Thereby, we earn a small fee, at no additional cost to you – when you use our link.

If you do not understand, please feel free to  reach out to us via our contact page or contact Hazlo Emma directly and ask for clarification before making any purchases.

Thank you for your trust!

Read more on what affiliate marketing is to understand why the affiliate link disclosure is a win-win for us all.